Sales Policy
Terms & Freight Policy
All prices are based on FOB our warehouse. Net 30 days can be arranged upon approval on open account, others will be C.O.D. or prepaid. Any past due account is subject to a financial charge at 1.5% on unpaid balance billed monthly. No further shipment will be honored until account is brought back to current. Service charges will apply to all the returned checks. Unless you specify otherwise, will use a carrier and route of our choice. Claim for loss or damage in transit should be made by you against the carrier. All goods are shipped at the customers risk: our responsibility ceases upon delivery in good order to the carrier.
Receipt & Return Goods Policy
Any discrepancy regarding the shipment must be claimed within five days after merchandise received. Any return item should be received within 30 days of invoice date. A 'RGA' number must be obtained from our CSR Department prior to the merchandise returned. The returned goods must be in original packaging and saleable condition. There will be a 25% restocking charge and freight on merchandise returned or refused for reasons other than defect or incorrect shipment. No special order item can be returned, other than factory defect.
Orders & Cancellations
Orders and/or cancellations will not be processed without written confirmation from customer. Any order shipped before written request of cancellation or change is received will incur handling charges as stated above. Special orders are not cancelable after a period of 3 days from date of order. Partial orders shall be accepted by the customer and paid for at the contract prices and terms. Order received by Baton constitute acceptance of terms outlined in this document. Baton is not responsible for any loss or damage due to delays or extended delivery dates of goods.
Limited Warranty
Baton warrants that its products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship (excluding oxidation or discoloration) for a period of one year from the date of sales to the user. Our only obligation will be to replace the defective product or parts upon inspection, together with proof of purchase from one of our agents dated within the warranty period. We assume no liability for any labor charges regarding the removal or reinstallation of the products; nor will we cover any freight, postage, traveling or handling expense relative to the product. Damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse or improper installation are not covered by this warranty. Except as expressly stated herein, there is no warranty, whether expressed or implied, provided by Baton. No other person has authority to assume any obligation or liability in addition to this warranty.
Validity & Special Note
This catalogue with Price List enclosed is good for 6 months from the date issued and supersedes all previous catalogues and price lists. Baton is not responsible for any typographic errors or errors of omission.
Credit Application
Kindly complete the credit application below (total 4 pages) and return to us at your earliest convenience for a credit check.
Credit Application (doc)